Here at Kogarah Chiropractic and Acupuncture/ The Disc Clinic, we proudly offer Beauty Acupuncture, a natural anti-aging modality. With its help, we are able to address a variety of skin concerns as well as identify and reverse signs of aging.
Beauty Acupuncture focuses on the health of the skin from a cellular level. Without the use of drugs or surgery, it may leave you looking and feeling younger. Do not wait – refresh your appearance and regain your youthful glow today!
Benefits of Care
Beauty Acupuncture is proven way to enhance your facial health. Common benefits that come with this therapy include:
- Lasting effects
- Individualized care
- Increased natural collagen and fibroblast production
- Lower oxidative stress (associated with the aging process)
How Does Facial Acupuncture Prevent Signs of Aging?
When present, collagen and elastin work to not only reduce signs of aging, but also to prevents signs of aging. If collagen and elastin are already abundant in the skin, fine lines and wrinkles as well as sagging and drooping are less likely to occur. As the building blocks of the face, collagen and elastin can “slow” the aging process. Facial acupuncture may stimulate the production of these anti-aging chemicals.
Our Process
Your facial acupuncture session with Dr Lockart involves addressing your primary concerns and anything he identifies during the examination process. He will use different techniques and products to achieve the desired results.
The first goal is to take a detailed look of your face. Next, use the Multi Radiance cold laser to stimulate the lymphatics. A lifting serum is then applied before feeling the skin and facial muscles. Dr Paul or Mei will then use the Gua Sha to improve the blood flow to the surface of your skin and further improve lymphatic flow with moving cupping. You are then ready for the Japanese Seirin needles to be inserted in specific facial points.
As soon as they’re inserted you will then have the low level light therapy switched on to shine over your face. When that is complete half an hour later, your needles will be removed and you will finish up with a sealing serum. Then off you go, back into the real world. Beauty Acupuncture doesn’t wash off!
Your first session takes about an hour and a half, while follow-ups take about an hour and 15 minutes. You will leave with a container of Chinese herbs to take internally which will enhance your improvement from the inside. Many times people’s faces lose their vitality due to poor nourishment internally. We aim to help you from the inside out plus helping you on the outside as well.
Come in and talk to Dr Paul or Mei, and look at their faces.
For a man in his mid 60s and a lady in her early 50s, you can see what Beauty Acupuncture does for a person’s face. It doesn’t matter what your age is – ladies and men in their 20s and onwards. The photos here have not been photoshopped
Care That Is Right for You
Kogarah Chiropractic and Acupuncture/ The Disc Clinic is committed to the providing for the needs of each individual patient. No matter your skin problem or desired outcome – we are here to address your unique concerns. Rest assured, every stage of our facial acupuncture approach is all-natural and carefully tailored to meet your distinctive needs.
Are you ready to get started on your journey to younger, healthier skin? We look forward to helping you achieve the fresh, bright look you have long awaited. Contact us to learn more!